3 Water Feature Ideas To Complete An Amazing Landscape In Des Moines
Which Water Feature Will You End Up Wanting For Your Des Moines Home?
If you could wave a magic wand over your landscape and transform it into your ideal space, what would you include?
Most people would immediately think about patios, pools, decks, gardens, and other mainstream outdoor living space ideas. But, they don’t know what you are about to find out: there is something even better than those you could have that they won’t. A unique landscaping idea that isn’t found in just any home.
You could have one of the 3 amazing water feature ideas we have in store for you. They can enhance your home in a truly unique way, one that not everyone on the block will have.
Let’s start with the water feature that causes the most gasps of delight.
You can have us install any of these ideas for your backyard project >>
1. Natural Ecosystem Ponds (That Are Low Maintenance Too)
You will barely have to touch an ecosystem pond to keep the water clean and clear.
It actually relies on its interworking parts to take care of itself: aeration, filtration, plants, fish, and beneficial bacteria. You won’t need to use chemicals to keep it looking great, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
Installing a water feature idea such as this can bring your family outside more. Everyone can enjoy dipping their toes in on hot summer days, relax with the soothing sound of a waterfall, and enjoy watching the fish lazily drift or dart by.
You could be bringing a piece of paradise into your home.
But you may want to have something a little smaller or less complex, like our next water feature idea for your Des Moines home.
2. Pondless Water Features
You can bring the sights and sounds of a pond to your home but without the pond part (which means less maintenance).
You can have a stream winding its way down to a waterfall that can disappear into a bed of gravel or drop down into a small basin of water.
Just like with the ecosystem pond, a pondless water feature can basically take care of itself. One of the pros of a pondless water feature is that you can use most chemicals to clear out any algae without harming anything like fish.
Here is a pondless water feature we built in Altoona >>
3. Outdoor Fountains
Whether it’s greeting guests by the front door or providing a wonderful aesthetic to your backyard, an outdoor fountain can work for just about any yard.
You can choose from several different types too:
The fountains above are urn style fountains, the one on the right being specifically a stacked slate urn. Water circulates from the bottom and goes upward, falling out of the top (not spouting like a dolphin). It then runs down the side into a gravel bed where it starts the process over again.
This style of outdoor fountain is a stacked rock or boulder fountain. We can take any rock you like and turn it into a wonderful fountain for your home.
You can even stack multiple rocks on top of each other and turn it into a multi-layer rock fountain. Guests won’t believe what they are seeing until you explain that it’s a fountain and not rock with water just coming out of it.
This style of fountain is also environmentally friendly as it has the most natural materials, aka the rocks you choose.
These are basalt fountains, which are similar to the boulder fountains above. But these are taller than most boulder fountains, at least the ones we usually install.
You can use them singly to enhance a garden or natural area or use them in a group to create their own space.
Fountains of any kind are also great additions to any current water features you may own.
You can find out more about these and the other 2 types of outdoor fountains >>
Which Water Feature Idea Is Your Favorite?
We would love to know which one of these water feature ideas you would use to enhance your own landscape. Would it be a pond, pondless, or fountain? You can let us know in the comments below.
You can also check out our water feature installation service page >>