How To Clear Pond Water In 5 Ways And Keep It Looking That Way
You Can Keep Your Pond Clean, Clear, And Beautiful For Your Des Moines Home

There are 5 ways you can learn how to clear pond water. Most of them you can start doing today so you can enjoy a clearer pond sooner. The most obvious, though complicated way, is to do a full pond cleaning.
You can find the rest of the ways in the post below-
Clearer Than Pea Soup
Louis sighs and scratches his head. He doesn’t know what to do, he’s never owned a pond before. “Sorry, Sharon, but I have no idea. We gotta ask around or do some research to find that out.”

Here’s how much it can cost to maintain a koi pond >>
5 Ways To Clear Pond Water
- Pond cleaning and maintenance
- Adding an Ion Gen
- More pond life
- Water treatments
- Adding or upgrading filters

1. Cleaning Your Pond Back To Clear (Or Maintaining It)

Sometimes all your pond needs is a good, thorough cleaning. We’re talking a full drain and clean so anything that could be causing the cloudy water is taken care of.
Most ponds need a spring cleaning process, fall maintenance, and winter shutdown. Some of our clients have us maintain their pond weekly throughout the season. This makes sure it’s beautiful, clear, and protected all year round.
“Well, our pond is fairly new so I don’t think it needs a cleaning yet,” Louis points out. Sharon nods and scrolls downward.
2. Add An Ion Gen For String Algae
You can install an Ion Gen to clear string algae from your pond water. It uses metal ions (safe for all forms of life beside algae) to clean the water. It can be added to your skimmer or another area. It’s easy to maintain and you won’t even notice the cost to operate it.
“This seems like something we should look into a little more,” Sharon notes. Louis agrees. They scroll down to see what other ways there are to clear pond water.
3. More Pond Life

Fish eat algae and plants use the nutrients algae feed on. Beneficial bacteria appear naturally in ponds and clean the water by feeding on waste and it’s byproducts.
“So, we add beneficial bacteria and it should help. Might take a few days but that’s pretty quick considering these little things are cleaning an entire pond,” Louis says.
“Sounds right to me,” Sharon says as she scrolls to the last way to clear pond water.
4. Water Treatments
Water treatments aren’t chemicals. It’s an addition to the water that helps clear it. Our go-to is an auto doser, which is basically an IV drip for your pond. Throughout the day it will add stuff to the pond, like beneficial bacteria, that keeps it clear and healthy. It’s less work and worry for you!
“And now there’s just one more option left.”
5. Add Or Upgrade Filters
This happens via a remodel. You can add a biofalls/skimmer system or upgrade from a biofalls to a wetland filter or a skimmer to an intake bay. This is a great solution for failing pond systems.
“Well, he sure gave us a good amount of information to think about,” Sharon says.
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“Why don’t we start with water treatments first. The auto doser sounds like it can solve our problem and keep our water clear too,” Sharon suggests. Louis nods. “And if that doesn’t work we can discuss what to do from there.” The couple hunkers down to do some more pond research.