Backyard Pond Ideas That Can Make Any Size Yard More Amazing
See The Ponds Clients Around Des Moines Have Us Create For Their Homes

Backyard pond ideas include underwater lights, viewing stones, plantings, waterfalls, and other awesome additions you will want for yours.
Discover what they look like below-
Now What?
“We decided on getting a backyard pond, so do we call somebody or…” asks Adam.
Angela purses her lips as she thinks. “We could, and they would help us design the pond and stuff. I think we should go into it with some ideas. Let’s see what backyard pond ideas we can find.”
Adam nods. “I like that plan. Then we can look at the cost of a pond and get some other information. It’s best to go into a project like this as prepared as possible.” Angela gives him a small smile. “I like the way you think. Let’s see what we can find on Google.”
Angela gets her phone out of her purse and starts looking on Google. Here’s what she and Adam find:
Backyard Pond Ideas

Backyard pond ideas go beyond just size. It also includes the shape of the pond, waterfalls, streams, underwater lights, additions, plants, and even the location in your backyard.
Here are some ideas clients have had us create for their backyards:
Cool Ideas You’ll Want For Your Pond

Fish caves give your fish a place to hide from predators. It’s also something fun for them to swim around in.

You can use larger logs to create a more natural look for your pond too.
Small Pond Ideas

Ideas For Average Size Ponds

Big Backyard Pond Ideas

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“These are some fantastic backyard pond ideas! We should definitely use some of them,” says Angela excitedly. Adam smiles and nods. “I love it! Let’s write some down and keep looking for more information on ponds.”